Feature Forum features and enhancements


Staff member
This thread is dedicated for purposes of any new features or enhancements that are implemented in the iotforum.com website.

In addition to registering and logging in with your username and password, you may also login using the SSO feature integrated with your:

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more such features and additions will be announced below. If you have any issues with this feature or any other feature, please post in the support/feedback forum.
Added more functionality to the code "bbcode" it makes the code editor way more functional by adding copy, expand, collapse buttons, resizer bar, code line numbers and ability to highlight lines.
In each forum, you have option to select various thread/topic "prefixes" which narrow down the discussion and also organize discussions by particular iot product types. For example, in Software IoT or Opensource forums, you have option to select some opensource IOT Platforms. More will be added soon.

2020-02-11 18_26_04-Post thread _ IoT Forums - Internet of things Developer Forum.jpg

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