Just Hatched
Note: Original post in AmebaIoT Forum that supported with Dual Language:
This is the continuous article followed with the previous Getting Started with RTL8720DN BW16 Development Board (1) that explains driver installation and necessary environment setup for getting started with your BW16 development board. Please click the link above if you haven't finished the necessary configurations yet.
Try the First Example
Step 1. Compile & Upload
Arduino IDE provides many built-in examples, which can be compiled, uploaded, and run directly on the boards. Here, we take the “Blink” example as the first try.
Open “File” -> “Examples” -> “01.Basics” -> “Blink”:
Arduino IDE opens a new window with the complete sample code.
There is an onboard LED of RTL8720DN(BW16), the default “LED_BUILTIN” is a green onboard LED. Change “LED_BUILTIN” to “LED_BUILTIN_B” or “LED_BUILTIN_R” for different colors blue and red. Here we use LED_BUILTIN_B as an example.
Next, we compile the sample code directly; click “Sketch” -> “Verify/Compile”:
Arduino IDE prints the compiling messages in the bottom area of the IDE window. When the compilation is finished, you will get a message similar to the following figure:
Afterward, we will upload the compiled code to RTL8720DN(BW16).
Please make sure RTL8720DN(BW16) is connected to your computer, then click “Sketch” -> “Upload”.
The Arduino IDE will compile first then upload. During the uploading process, users are required to enter the upload mode of the board. Arduino IDE will wait for 5s for the development board to enter the upload mode.
To enter the upload mode, first press and hold the RTL8720DN(BW16) “Burn” button, press the “RST” button, and then release the “Burn” button. Press “Upload” to compile and upload the program.
Again, during the uploading procedure the IDE prints messages. The uploading procedure takes a considerably longer time (about 30 seconds to 1 minute). When the upload is completed, the “Upload Image done” message is printed.
Step2. Run the Blink example
In each example, Arduino not only provides sample code but also detailed documentation, including wiring diagram, sample code explanation, technical details, …etc. These examples can be directly used on RTL8720DN (BW16).
So, we find the detailed information of the Blink example in the link below:
In short, for RTL8720DN, the example can be run on both the onboard RGB LED or external LED (use any GPIO pins for signal output). Finally, press the “RST” button, and you can see the blue LED blinking.
If you encounter any problem, please refer to .
For more information, please visit the following websites:
This is the continuous article followed with the previous Getting Started with RTL8720DN BW16 Development Board (1) that explains driver installation and necessary environment setup for getting started with your BW16 development board. Please click the link above if you haven't finished the necessary configurations yet.
Try the First Example
Step 1. Compile & Upload
Arduino IDE provides many built-in examples, which can be compiled, uploaded, and run directly on the boards. Here, we take the “Blink” example as the first try.
Open “File” -> “Examples” -> “01.Basics” -> “Blink”:

Arduino IDE opens a new window with the complete sample code.

There is an onboard LED of RTL8720DN(BW16), the default “LED_BUILTIN” is a green onboard LED. Change “LED_BUILTIN” to “LED_BUILTIN_B” or “LED_BUILTIN_R” for different colors blue and red. Here we use LED_BUILTIN_B as an example.
Next, we compile the sample code directly; click “Sketch” -> “Verify/Compile”:

Arduino IDE prints the compiling messages in the bottom area of the IDE window. When the compilation is finished, you will get a message similar to the following figure:

Afterward, we will upload the compiled code to RTL8720DN(BW16).
Please make sure RTL8720DN(BW16) is connected to your computer, then click “Sketch” -> “Upload”.
The Arduino IDE will compile first then upload. During the uploading process, users are required to enter the upload mode of the board. Arduino IDE will wait for 5s for the development board to enter the upload mode.

To enter the upload mode, first press and hold the RTL8720DN(BW16) “Burn” button, press the “RST” button, and then release the “Burn” button. Press “Upload” to compile and upload the program.
Again, during the uploading procedure the IDE prints messages. The uploading procedure takes a considerably longer time (about 30 seconds to 1 minute). When the upload is completed, the “Upload Image done” message is printed.

Step2. Run the Blink example
In each example, Arduino not only provides sample code but also detailed documentation, including wiring diagram, sample code explanation, technical details, …etc. These examples can be directly used on RTL8720DN (BW16).
So, we find the detailed information of the Blink example in the link below:
In short, for RTL8720DN, the example can be run on both the onboard RGB LED or external LED (use any GPIO pins for signal output). Finally, press the “RST” button, and you can see the blue LED blinking.
If you encounter any problem, please refer to .
For more information, please visit the following websites:
- AmebaIoT Forum:
- AmebaIoT official website: for more examples supported;
- Join our FB Forum (English version) to further discuss with us: ;